“The Rape of Lucrezia” directed by Kamila Michalak and conducted by Lilianna Krych was a participant of the international theater festival organized by the Hungarian National Theatre in Miklosc and the University of Theater and Film Arts in Budapest.
The performance was the only opera in this year’s edition of the festival, dedicated to theatre related to music! Shortly after the return of the artists, an extremely positive review was published, which can be read here.
Thank you very much to our wonderful singers and orchestra composed of:
Maksymilian Grzesiak (violin I), Katarzyna Boniecka (violin II), Magdalena Mitoraj (viola), Wojciech Dutkiewicz (cello), Lukasz Owczynnikow (double bass), Elżbieta Drozdowska (flute), Oliwier Andruszczenko (clarinet), Antonina Golachowska (oboe), Michał Zagan (bassoon), Kamil Karaszewski (French horn), Zofia Dowgiałło (harp), Marta Guzik (piano), Krzysztof Niezgoda (drums).
We hope to meet again soon!